Igbos are an African ethnic group of over 30 million people in Nigeria, Niger to east of underflow lives mainly in interrupted from savannah rain forest. The term of ethnicity as the language spoken by their speakers. However, the correct usage is Igbos . The language of belongs to family of Igbo languages and enjoys the status of national language of Nigeria - Hausa and Yoruba addition (Igbo culture).
Cattle involved is small, since large areas of infected tsetse fly. Cattle is very much appreciated and has mainly ritual significance. Developed crafts: blacksmithing, pottery, weaving, weaving, woodworking, woodcarving. In nriauka blacksmith's craft involves most of male population. In Igbos widely developed seasonal work.
Traditional settlement consists of large number of households, separated (sometimes quite far away) from each other. Households are combined into large settlements to 8 thousand. Residents. In some areas with high population density settlements stretch for many kilometers. Household consists of few huts and surrounded by an earthen wall. Number of huts depends on the number of family members and solvency of host.
Cattle involved is small, since large areas of infected tsetse fly. Cattle is very much appreciated and has mainly ritual significance. Developed crafts: blacksmithing, pottery, weaving, weaving, woodworking, woodcarving. In nriauka blacksmith's craft involves most of male population. In Igbos widely developed seasonal work.
Traditional settlement consists of large number of households, separated (sometimes quite far away) from each other. Households are combined into large settlements to 8 thousand. Residents. In some areas with high population density settlements stretch for many kilometers. Household consists of few huts and surrounded by an earthen wall. Number of huts depends on the number of family members and solvency of host.
There are several types of housing. Traditional accommodation rectangular or circular in plan. The walls are constructed of poles, which are coated with clay. Roofs are covered with grass, palm leaves, corrugated iron. In northern parts of dobe dwellings. At the western Igbos and near Onitsha - rectangular in plan, walls of clay roof gable or hipped, covered with grass or palm leaves. In area of housing Ogoja square or circular in plan, with a cone-shaped, covered with grass roof.
As a food source was the cultivation of yams and cassava, which was often supplemented by extensive fishing. Igbos their neighbors had to suffer until the 19th century greatly from the slave traders. By 1900, continued in whole area of British colonial administration through. Today Igbos Yoruba and Hausa, in addition to one of state-supporting groups in Nigeria after her attempt to create a State failed after years of bloody fighting against the Nigerian central government. (Biafran War 1967-70).
Based on a reading of "interesting stories about life Olauda Equiano, or Gustavus Vasa, African, " historian Alexander H. Byrd claims that Igbos ethnic identity has its roots in slavery, Igbos sold in so-called "waiting areas" and from the coastal cities of West Africa . Like most ethnic groups, the British and other Europeans considered Igbos tribe. However, a Nigerian writer, poet and literary critic, Igbos ethnic, Chinua Achebe, along with other researchers spoke out against such a definition because of its negative connotations and possible misunderstanding. He proposed to consider Igbos nation, like the American or Japanese Cherokee, although Igbos do not have a recognized state.
Igbos are one of largest and most influential ethnic groups in Nigeria. In connection with the consequences of migration and the Transatlantic Slave descendants Igbo ethnic groups settled in countries such as Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, as well as outside of Africa. Their exact number is not known outside of Africa, but today, many African-Americans and people of African-Caribbean origin - Igbos . In rural areas, mainly Igbos - farmers.
Another option Igbos tradition identifies Jews with the descendants of three tribes of Israel - Gad, and Manasseh Zebulun. Igbos community of Jews in contact with Jewish
As a food source was the cultivation of yams and cassava, which was often supplemented by extensive fishing. Igbos their neighbors had to suffer until the 19th century greatly from the slave traders. By 1900, continued in whole area of British colonial administration through. Today Igbos Yoruba and Hausa, in addition to one of state-supporting groups in Nigeria after her attempt to create a State failed after years of bloody fighting against the Nigerian central government. (Biafran War 1967-70).
Based on a reading of "interesting stories about life Olauda Equiano, or Gustavus Vasa, African, " historian Alexander H. Byrd claims that Igbos ethnic identity has its roots in slavery, Igbos sold in so-called "waiting areas" and from the coastal cities of West Africa . Like most ethnic groups, the British and other Europeans considered Igbos tribe. However, a Nigerian writer, poet and literary critic, Igbos ethnic, Chinua Achebe, along with other researchers spoke out against such a definition because of its negative connotations and possible misunderstanding. He proposed to consider Igbos nation, like the American or Japanese Cherokee, although Igbos do not have a recognized state.
Igbos are one of largest and most influential ethnic groups in Nigeria. In connection with the consequences of migration and the Transatlantic Slave descendants Igbo ethnic groups settled in countries such as Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, as well as outside of Africa. Their exact number is not known outside of Africa, but today, many African-Americans and people of African-Caribbean origin - Igbos . In rural areas, mainly Igbos - farmers.
Another option Igbos tradition identifies Jews with the descendants of three tribes of Israel - Gad, and Manasseh Zebulun. Igbos community of Jews in contact with Jewish
Based on a reading of "interesting stories about life Olauda Equiano, or Gustavus Vasa, African, " historian Alexander H. Byrd claims that Igbos ethnic identity has its roots in slavery, Igbos sold in so-called "waiting areas" and from the coastal cities of West Africa . Like most ethnic groups, the British and other Europeans considered Igbos tribe. However, a Nigerian writer, poet and literary critic, Igbos ethnic, Chinua Achebe, along with other researchers spoke out against such a definition because of its negative connotations and possible misunderstanding. He proposed to consider Igbos nation, like the American or Japanese Cherokee, although Igbos do not have a recognized state.
Igbos are one of largest and most influential ethnic groups in Nigeria. In connection with the consequences of migration and the Transatlantic Slave descendants Igbo ethnic groups settled in countries such as Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, as well as outside of Africa. Their exact number is not known outside of Africa, but today, many African-Americans and people of African-Caribbean origin - Igbos . In rural areas, mainly Igbos - farmers.
Another option Igbos tradition identifies Jews with the descendants of three tribes of Israel - Gad, and Manasseh Zebulun. Igbos community of Jews in contact with Jewish organizations in other countries (including the US and Israel) and receive financial support. Practiced scarification, male and female circumcision. Twins in past and feared killed. Igbos - deeply religious people who believe in a benevolent Creator, commonly called Chukwu (Chiukwu, Chineke, Obasi di n'elu and so on. D.) Who created the visible universe (uwa).
Igbos are one of largest and most influential ethnic groups in Nigeria. In connection with the consequences of migration and the Transatlantic Slave descendants Igbo ethnic groups settled in countries such as Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, as well as outside of Africa. Their exact number is not known outside of Africa, but today, many African-Americans and people of African-Caribbean origin - Igbos . In rural areas, mainly Igbos - farmers.
Another option Igbos tradition identifies Jews with the descendants of three tribes of Israel - Gad, and Manasseh Zebulun. Igbos community of Jews in contact with Jewish organizations in other countries (including the US and Israel) and receive financial support. Practiced scarification, male and female circumcision. Twins in past and feared killed. Igbos - deeply religious people who believe in a benevolent Creator, commonly called Chukwu (Chiukwu, Chineke, Obasi di n'elu and so on. D.) Who created the visible universe (uwa).